The Monticello Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to our village. Explore the benifits of membership and become a member today.


In Memory or In Honor of
Karen Roe, Jeana Fox Ryan, Leon & Mike Elmer, Gordon & Barbara Smith, Henry & Carol Marty, Alfred Aeberhard, Jr.  & Walter M. Wirth, Sr., Stephen A. Knoup & Christine K. Kubly, Toby “Coach G” Golembiewski, Sharron Gempeler, Bob & Donna Durtschi


We want to help share it on our commuinity website and social media channels. 

Submit Your Events TODAY!

Why should I join the Chamber of Commerce?

What’s in it for me?

We’d ask, why WOULDN’T you? The Monticello Chamber of Commerce offers networking opportunities and adds credibility and visibility to your business!  We promote your business 365 days a year.  We’ll keep you connected with events in and around the Monticello area.  Meet new people and build relationships for you and your business. Get involved!

Join the Monticello Chamber Today!

Tri-Insure's 2023 Ribbon Cutting


Kiss My Mutt Ribbon Cutting

New Location - Green Care Food Pantry Ribbon Cutting!


Mt. Pleasant-Perry Middleton Mutual Insurance Grand Opening

Parrfection Produce Ribbon Cutting!

Sugar River Country Bakery Ribbon Cutting

King's 244 Ribbon Cutting

244 Main St. Monticello

Congratulations to Harvey Kubly on his new location!

203 E Lake Ave in Monticello.

Thym Savor Cuisine Ribbon Cutting

Gempler's Supermarket Excellence in Operations by the WGA

JonnyO's Pizzeria Ribbon Cutting

Picture provided by Sue Moen with News Publishing Company.

Groundbreaking Ceremony - Mt. Pleasant Perry Middleton (MPPM)

Featured Business - Pink Heifer Saloon & Smokehouse

Christmas Decoration Winner - Green Valley Dental

Christmas Decoration Winner - Main Street Salon

November Spotlight - Kesler's Kountry Kreations

Ribbon Cutting & Spotlight - Java Lava

Business Spotlight - Coral’s Claws Nail Artistry

Follow Us on Facebook for up to date information and check out our calendar



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